As I embark on my new found love(s),
Please bare with me on the many changes that may occur.
I'm trying to narrow down things and become one w/ my blog(s) instead of having several blogs for each personality. LOL
I'm in the learning process on building websites, jewelry, custom toddler clothing, event planning, as well as buying and selling, Guitar lessons on friay's, and blog at the same time. As I try to figure out where everything goes and how I want it to come across/ look. {"Keep in mind that I'm an artist, and I'm sensitive about my sh*t"}
I blog daily so everyday is different and more exciting than the last. I'll try to keep things as current as I can. Its not easy doing so when there are so many things in my life that are changing . Steven is growing and learning & doing more each day. I've been venturing off to mommy land and back to doing more mom2mom sales, ebay, craigslist, Esty, and where ever else I can find to buy and sell. Opening a Thrift store is also another goal for us this summer. {finding a good location is the hard part}
I'm finding more time to read & write more than I have in years. I love iT!
Once I get this down packed and organized to a "T", everything will just freely flow and become easier by the day. Oh yeah, and getting Steven on a "normal" sleeping schedule is also key! He just woke up for the day @ 1:30p. He likes to stay up all night w/ mommy. I'm a night owl 4-5 hours of sleep and I'm back up doing something, so he is the same way. Except he needs more hours of sleep.
Thank you for your patience and support there will be an exciting journey coming your way soon.
Savanna Jordan-Rockstar Mama
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Feeling a little sad today, I just said goodbye to my sister, and bestfriend. Julie Ann I love you and wish you well on your new journey to finding yourself. I am going to miss you deeply, things we planned to do together, I now must do without you. Its good for me, because I am on the same journey to find my place of existence. It would be better with you, but I can handle it! I know my worth and what I WANT TO DO and whom I want to become. Its just a battle to get there. I only pray that you continue on your journey so that your are a better person for you and the family that need mommy. I know you will do it and achevie your goals you set. Don't fall back just continue to move forward through your journey to julie.
Love you, Sylvia
Love you, Sylvia
Pride and Joy!
There was a change in the winds
the universe is moving my way how crazy
the law of attracion found me
like a manget i was attracted
i stared in your eyes and saw my eyes
staring back at me
i knew at that point you were the one
to complete me baby
20 weeks pass by
we found out
there was a boy inside
i think i cried
myself to sleep
as i look at you i see me
time went on
i started to feel you
moving around
like an animal
kicking jabbing even tickling me
on the inside where you
grew healthy & strong like a bear
i fell in love when you answered my prayer
flashlight on my belly
made you kick me
for disturbing your peace
but i couldnt sleep unless i was at ease
then i could breathe whew.
i couldnt wait till the day you were born
mommies lil prince charming
mommies lil prince charming
is coming home

Once I saw your face my heart melted
you looked in my eyes and you felt it
mommy and daddy finally!
9 months seemed so long to me
now i can
see eturnity
watching you grow has been wonderful
learning, absorbing your amazingly beauiful
Its funny how we make what we dream reality
society made me want a girl
but the universe knew more
i desired a boy
Since I was a girl
i had dreams of you
a boy looking just like you
Thank you for coming when you did
Mommy need to be reminded and reunited of
a Family that was broken
a life went unspoken
death had the best of us that was the test of us
i failed us
the devil had me jailed
locked down in a cell
shakled like slave
digging my grave
your eyes sparkled and in i was drew
without him there would be no you
my greatest achevement
my masterpiece
Is you!
I thank you
for saving me
i'm me once again
i lost myself
then found again
Couldn't help to remember
all the the ones i lost
depressed mommy was
the devil had my sleeve
Now i know Life's strong
the universe
brought you back to me
law of attraction
you attracted me
i pushed it away
like a fantasy
Not reality
away for so long
i forgot you
There all along
just had to find you
I asked for you long ago
it was destined that you were sent to me
an angel from above
sends her love
the universe knew i wanted you
i was ready to recieve you
i attracted you like a manget
with out you i'll raise havoc
my pride and joy
mommy loves you
my baby boy.
Steven wants to fly!
Okay so this has been like day three without a camera. Trying to get a new one here soon{Waterproof}.
Anyway, steven is so amazing. As I'm cleaning and orginazing my "so-called" office. steven gets his stool from his room. and puts it in front of the TV (while watching Curious Georger his Absolute FAV). I stop and watch what hes trying to do.
Now George and the man w/ the yellow hat has kidnapped/took an elephant to see his long lost siblings at a California Zoo. If your a parent who has a little one in George you know what I mean. Well They are captured and at the time in a helicoper jumping out. The man in the yellow hat straps on the parishoot and george and jumps out. Stevn is jumping off the stool with them. LOL
I ask, Steven are you flying? He nods yes and flaps his arms.
I ask him if he wants to jump out of an helicopter like George, he nond yes.
While speaking another language pointing to the floor and celing (baby signing is so awesome when you cant yet understand the words, but his hads gestures told it all).
After the jumping was done he begins to look for this small helicopter he has. Its a small metal one like a match box car. His Aunt Julie gave him these two cool chairs (full of toys)that has storage under the seats. I love them. Too cute and can't wait to customize them for Steve, I find the toy under the couch. His face got so bright with joy I almost cried, Steven has loved airplanes as long as I can remember. He knows he can't fly but he wants to jump from an airplane no excuse me a helicopter.
So to that yes I will keep that promise.
Because mommy & Daddy wants to jump from one too!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Making Toddler friendly V'day Cards!
So after a failed attempt to Autumn's Valentine Cards,
I got a little creative.
After seeing these on
I had to do them since i've been signing w/ Steven since he was 9mos old.
These were a sucess!
His "I love you" isn't perfect{his little pinky needs practice}
but he knows the meaning.
Steven's I love!!
I mailed this pic along w/ the card to family and friends.
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