I can't believe this weather, its the begining of March and the weather has done an awesome change.
I think its this solar storm were having. Whatever it is I love iT!
Anyway, Helloooo Spring & Goodbye Winter.
Steven and I were outside all day. He drove his power wheel on our walk to the park. I finally got thoes damn christmas lights off my rose bushes (Don't judge me waiting on the hubby sometimes can take awhile) The old saying, "If you want things done right you better do it yourself".
Anyway, I've also recieved my new GE camera x500 and I think im in love. I can't wait to get this new studio w/ lights and tripods. My hobby has just becaome so much more! Its turning into a profession. The artist in me can't resist, pictures will be posted soon, haven't had the time to actually sit down and write let alone look and edit pix.
Did I mention that Steven finally slept in his bed all night from 8 to 8.
How awesome is he? Totally!
He is getting on more of a solid schdule and I am so happy my little man is becoming so independent. I don't know what to do with myself sometimes.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
My attempt to painting on canvas
I feel as if its not yet completed, but I like it!
Acrylic paints and the learning of blending colors to get what I was trying to achieve.
It was fun and very exhilarating I say try it and you will never know what you'll come up with.
I call it: Feelings
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
My dear son
{2mos old}
I cant believe your almost Two! 22 months to be exact.
Today was a very frustrating day, Mommy had little to no sleep. After pulling an all niter writing, or trying to manifest together my thoughts. 6am came rather quick, I was already up to get Autumn ready for school. I surprised her by putting a light bulb in her new turtle nightlight{this girl has more neon in her room than your nearest bar! I added a red bulb because when it shines through the turtles shell it kind of glows a hint of purple since its blue & green. While she gets ready Oatmeal w/ a glass of milk does us both good. It turned out OK, not my best, not realizing I didn't have brown sugar is the reason. But I made it work. After they left, I began to do a little yoga before baby wakes up. Listening to Rhonda Byrne "The Secrets" to get me where I want my meditation to take me. I wake up on my yoga mat.
Its now 9am and Steven wakes up with tears in his eyes. I try to console him but nothing works, with me being so sleepy it didn't help. We lay on the couch and both fall back to sleep. Its now 3, and he's still being whine and only wants me to hold him. Its like he wanted to get closer but just couldn't. He sat in my lap as I typed, and checked email. Well, what he allowed me to check anyway. He wouldn't even let me go pee!
You followed me around, didn't want me to put you down. You wouldn't go to daddy or cousin Austin. Another crying hour what can I do to stop this? I'm trying everything in my mommy bag but its simply not working. Daddy is ready to really jump in and discipline but mommy is understanding and believes its a reason for the behavior and unhappiness you were showing. Hugs and hugs and more hugs, as you squeeze your little arms tighter around my neck I embrace your little hug. Today you were really showing how much of a mommies boy you are. I always put in existence that "I didn't want a mommy's boy" I wanted a little man like daddy. I think the words that the universe received was, "I want a mommy's boy" and I want him to only love me! Trust me he has his days when he wants absolutely nothing to do with me.
He's daddies little Big Guy.
The cutest thing, after coming up from the basement I find daddy & baby cuddled on the couch. Steven jumps up grabs my hand & points to the couch. I laid down w/ daddy, then he wants me to pick him up so he can lay on me. Its like he said we're out of order, its daddy first, then mommy then me.
He lays back and drinks his sippy. I love this little boy!
Steven your so amazing! I can't believe your putting puzzles together w/ ease. I love your personality{though we need to work on your unruly manners} Your still a pretty cool dude. Learning everyday is want mommy wants you to do until your two. We're going to start potty training and playing school like we used to. Mommy will get back to being your teacher and you my student. I love you my baby, you fill my heart with Joy. I love your smile and how you only want me. People may talk about how spoiled you are but you know what I say? I don't care. Your going to be small for only so long so I want to preserve what we've got at this very moment in time, before I'm buying a car for your prom. Mommy doesn't care what they say your going to remain my baby until my last day. Discipline you still need along w/ manners and etiquette too! Mommy will teach you all those thing so your a perfect gentleman too! You'll open doors, say please & thank you or sign it like you always do. Remember to say your prayers, and stay true to your heart. Don't lie to the girls, always be a gentleman.
Mommy and Daddy have been teaching you sign language since you were a baby. You began to sign back at 10 mos. Now the many signs you know are amazing! Dog & cat you learned with ease. We didn't really learn mommy and daddy since you said them so well. Airplane and helicopter you make the same (but there not). Please & thank you and I apologize too! ball, balloon, bubbles, milk, juice, water, hurt, more, all done, giraffe, elephant, horse, squirrel, book, & I love you. I know there are more and were still learning animals and all the things you adore.
Right now your favorites are: Curious George, you've been listening to classical music since the day you were born. I don't know if you like it yet but you never complain. You love your little Kawasaki power wheel, Books are your FAV, you used to love guitars like you love George, I think you still do. You play your drums daily, and our acoustic in the living room I hear you strum once in a while I know you still love the sound. You also Adore airplanes & helicopters. Cars & Trains.
Did I tell you about the day you wanted to fly? Watching Curious George jump from a helicopter. That day you understood me so well. Your answers were so right on like you really knew what was going on.
Mommy: Steven do you think you can fly?
Steven: Nods Yes.
Mommy: Steven, do you want to jump from a helicopter?
Steven: Nods yes.
Mommy: Steven, you Do know that you can't really fly?
Steven; Nods yes.
Mommy: You know you can't jump without a parachute right?
Steven: Nods yes.
Mommy: Do you want to fly an airplane one day?
Steven: nods Yes.
I laughed and made a promise to you that day.
I promised that one day when your older, we'll take a trip and fall from the sky
Like George & the man in the yellow hat.
Until then,
Mommy will always catch you,
when you fall.
Mommy will always catch you,
when you fall.
Monday, March 5, 2012
The book Trail
After a long day visiting w/ family I finally cleaned the house (including an overdue toddler room).
Jeffrey went to bed while Steve and I play w/ his new Moon dough from Aunt Julie.
Can I say, I personally LOVE THIS STUFF!!
Its so much better than the boring old play dough and it smells better too!
Its hypo allergic, wheat free, never sticks, and get this; NEVER DRIES OUT!! OMG! I found my new love of FUN!
As a child I loved dough and moon sand was awesome but this beats it!
Steven loves to make Ice cream cones and dogs, then squishes them up. My sister in-law also gave them cookie cutter shapes for even more fun. I thought he would want to eat it, or keep putting it in his mouth, I stand corrected. He's actually pretty good at just pretending and playing w/ it. Its 3:30a I just put him to bed.
I almost forgot, Steven has these book blocks he loves to play with(wish i had pictures).
He sits six books on the floor cracked open so that they would stand on their own. Then we count them, two & six are the only numbers he can say but he points to each as I say them. Then daddy joins in for a goodnight kiss, and he wants him to count them to. He is so proud of his achievement he can't stop clapping. He is so awesome, he grabbed up all his books in his little arms and headed to his room, he left a book trail from the kitchen, down the hall and around the corner.
I love you my son, take your time to grow up please
I want to savor these memories
Capture every minute of your little growing spirit.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Thursday, March 1, 2012
A Rockin' Family
As I sit here i'm finding myself doing more reading, writing, and actually being more how I imagined my life to be. I pulled out my old vision board & books on how I imagined my future. And believe it or not Many things that I wanted in my younger days have actually became reality. I always wanted a guitar and wanted to learn how to play. At 27 I have more guitars in my home than I ever imagined.

15 guitars in my son's room. My personal Daisy Rock, my daughter has 5, so total we have 21 guitars in our home. One pro drumset and my son's first Act drum set (pictured above).
You would think we're a music inclined family but were just starting out, Learning and the love of music in our hearts is strong.
I've been writing poetry for as long as I can remember Music has always been a passion of mine at a young age.
My husband and I have enrolled our nephew, Austin (our adopted child) and our daughter in the "school of rock" .
They have adult classes on Friday's where I find myself in Awe at the talent. Many of the teachers are actual working muscians teaching while on tour and taking many talented kids along for the ride. I love being around the enegry they give. I've missed it for so long, I'm glad to be back!
I can't believe it has been 5 days, I didn't want to say anything to jinx myself and give in, but Steven hasn't had a bottle in 5 days. It ended up being easier than I thought. I can't believe time has went by as fast as it has. Steven your almost Two! and I still remember finding out we were pregnant w/ you. Didn't know if you were a boy or a girl but loved you either way with joy.
Now look its been two weeks, and still no bottle.
I can't believe it, your my little Big boy.
One habit broken now its time to break number two!
Time to say, "bye bye Binky" "Binky bye bye"
Thanks Auntie Lynn, my favorite song to sing.
That will be the next habit I wean.
Image Center - Olan Mills Portrait Studios
Check out steven's photoshoot
He's trying not to smile. The entire shoot
Image Center - Olan Mills Portrait Studios
He's trying not to smile. The entire shoot
Image Center - Olan Mills Portrait Studios
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