Monday, October 28, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Blessed to be the Mom of a Son
Dear Steven,
My first born, my love, my best friend
Over the past few months its been a joy watching you play, laugh, and learn. Your vocabulary has flourished a great deal. Just on your birthday you could not say what you can now. Its been fun exciting and amazing watching you grow. Potty training you was a little rough in the beginning but once you got it, You Got it! It was so fun watching you transform from my baby into a big boy.
Even though mommy is expecting your little sister here soon I never want you to feel like your second. You will always be my first and mommy will continue to love, adore, and spoil you like crazy. I guess its just my emotions running wild because baby can be here any day now but all I can feel is how the baby affect you. Being the only child is easy, but sharing mommy is hard. You already share daddy with your big sister, now you have to share mommy. That is not fair. I know your going to love her when shes home and I know you will protect her just like you protect your big sis. That's why we call you Super Steve!
I love it when you rub my belly and tell baby good-morning and goodnight. You are over protective of anything that is baby's. No one can touch it except you.
You inspire me everyday, I love you little man Thank you for being the best Big and little brother anyone could ask for.
Original post May 2012
My first born, my love, my best friend
Over the past few months its been a joy watching you play, laugh, and learn. Your vocabulary has flourished a great deal. Just on your birthday you could not say what you can now. Its been fun exciting and amazing watching you grow. Potty training you was a little rough in the beginning but once you got it, You Got it! It was so fun watching you transform from my baby into a big boy.
Even though mommy is expecting your little sister here soon I never want you to feel like your second. You will always be my first and mommy will continue to love, adore, and spoil you like crazy. I guess its just my emotions running wild because baby can be here any day now but all I can feel is how the baby affect you. Being the only child is easy, but sharing mommy is hard. You already share daddy with your big sister, now you have to share mommy. That is not fair. I know your going to love her when shes home and I know you will protect her just like you protect your big sis. That's why we call you Super Steve!
I love it when you rub my belly and tell baby good-morning and goodnight. You are over protective of anything that is baby's. No one can touch it except you.
You inspire me everyday, I love you little man Thank you for being the best Big and little brother anyone could ask for.
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The Wink @ 10mos |
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The early months |
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The brother |
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Mommy's Rock-star 2013 |
Original post May 2012
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
A late Holiday Post!
Well, the day went like this.
I did most of the food prepping the day before so no major cooking would be done the day of so my oven would be off. That night I burned the cake. So I had to bake the morning of. This is our first Independence day in our home and it may be the last. We didn't have many people over just the basic immediate family. The in-laws and my parent's along w/ Aunts and my sister babies.
I have been in this cleaning DE-cluttering mode since we found about baby #2 in the making. My kitchen which used to hold my office desk is now only kitchen. I love the changes we've made. Since we only plan on staying here another year or so, I'd really want to be settled in our new home before the first holiday. Just like when we moved in this home.
We have a three bedroom home could be four w/ a second bath but the downstairs needs work before it can actually be listed as a fourth. Anyway, we plan on moving our 8 year old SD down there and giving the baby her room. I am not at all as excited as she, so i decided to keep her bed in the nursery, that was until my bff/sister-in law gave me the reality on how small the room was and she knows my taste, now that its a girl I'm going to want every inch of space for my princess. She was so right.
I have now sided w/ the husband to move baby girl to the basement as long as he does the major work to make it bed room ready ( I still may have to baby monitor her room too, just so I can sleep).
Anywhoo, back the our holiday.
The menu consisted of:
BBQ chicken & ribs, black eyed peas w/ white rice
String beans w/ turkey, baked beans
String beans w/ turkey, baked beans
Cupcakes, Cupcake cake, Lemon raspberry mousse squares (in a bowl)
Am.flag fruit & whip cream treat
Red & Blue Jello w/ whip cream and fruit in Margarita glasses
(this not pictured) being hostess,
chef and photographer of "my" images was not an easy task,
along w/ it being hot since the AC was playin games and me being pregnant didn't help either.
along w/ it being hot since the AC was playin games and me being pregnant didn't help either.
Atleast the hubby enjoyed taking firework shots.
Friday, September 20, 2013
My homemade playdough
Anyway, since i'm a pintrest addict I saw this pinned. I thought it would be fun to do with Steven during the days at home. I've been trying to bring school to him lately.
Recipe 1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup corn starch 3/4 cup water
I stored the dough in moon dough containers
Thursday, May 2, 2013
My husband had Cancer and now its gone
Laryngopharyngeal Reflux is what he is diagnosed with,
he as several cancerous cyst on his throat, as you can see in the below images. Taken March 26
His surgery was scheduled for May 10.
We are battling against surgery because cutting make things spread and the last thing we wanted to deal with was the big C. We've both lost family who didn't win the battle. .
he as several cancerous cyst on his throat, as you can see in the below images. Taken March 26
His surgery was scheduled for May 10.
We are battling against surgery because cutting make things spread and the last thing we wanted to deal with was the big C. We've both lost family who didn't win the battle. .
Today was his Pre-op appointment and this is what we saw.
Surgery canceled.
My husband is still in pain daily, he is still going in for surgery on his stomach in hopes of solving the problem.
Our prayers were answered, thank you, thank you, and thank you for you many blessings you have bestowed upon my family and myself. I am more than grateful in receiving your praise. Thank you!
Babe, I don't know what I would do if I lost you, I love you every day that you love me. Thank you for being the man I prayed for and manifested in my life. You are the best husband an even better father, and my best friend. I love you like a fat kid loves cake. I love you like your my last heart beat.
Oh yea, what did my husband do? or what did he take? The doctors gave prevacid for his stomach, but never prescribed anything for pain.
Seven days ago my husband began taking drops of Rick Simpson's oil (Hemp Oil)
I've never seen him in such agony, I cried the tears he fought to shed.
The oil helped, as he can leave the bed.
He has breakfast with us again and even stated working on his latest project, a go kart!
He says the pain is still there but its a pain he can deal, not for long, but nothing like before he began taking the oil.
So with a change in his diet and no more smoking, that I am proud to say its been about two weeks since hubby's last cig. So a healthy change were making. We have a life time of memories to make and stories to share, and places to visit.
More links on the oil
Friday, April 26, 2013
Wife: Honey, Look I've lost weight.
Husband: That's because I've stopped cooking.
Wife: silence..shakes head and walks away.
Ummm, yea this was my morning.
Trying on my size 5 jeans, which are getting looser around my waist. Me being excited was cut short. Still laughed though, because its true. Sad but true!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
A bigger bed....
Why is it that we allow our two year old son control how we sleep in our bed?
Since my belly and my blatter at the present time keeping me up between the kitchen and bathroom
All hours of the night resulting in me climbing over Mr. Little dozens of times through the night.
Since my belly and my blatter at the present time keeping me up between the kitchen and bathroom
All hours of the night resulting in me climbing over Mr. Little dozens of times through the night.
I remember when it was perfect he actually slept in his own bed. Now he's like a converted baby at bed time wanting to be cuddled all the time. Don't get me wrong I may of been some of the problem, but as I tell hubby, look at what he's accomplished. He is practally potty trained, he is off the binky, finally! And the word bottle has not crossed his lips. He still needs to work on not getting his way and sharing, but what two year old is perfect? His vocabulary has picked up and so has his signs. He's more into books than movies but he does love the occasional curious George, and Elmo.
Well, I guess i wouldn't have it anyother way. In a minute the baby will be here and I'm not quite sure how thats going to work.
Until then i'll just continue to love his baby feet.
Happy 30th babe
Hats off you you tonight,
I love this man more and more everyday.
We met when I was 23 and he was 25. I remember when we me we couldn't stop staring in each others eyes. It was like we manifested each other to one another. There was an attraction that we both shared and it was crazy. I remember when we talked on the phone all night till' morning. We instantly knew that we were meant for each other. At the time we both were reaching out for something we just didn't know exactly what it was. Now years have passed, and I am now a believer, in the power of attraction.
I feel like I was drawn to him like a magnet, I was the moth and he was the flame. He was something I never imagined, or did I and just didn't put it together until now. He is my soul mate, I am so happy he chose me and I him. I couldn't ask for a better person in my life. He is an awesome father, Great husband, even though hes socially awkward and hates flashy paparazzi scenes, and being seen, I love my sexy man anyway.
I love you baby, I know these 9 long gruesome months have been hard on us both but we got through it happy and together, I know those pregnancy pains that you experienced are because you love me. I love you even more because its like sometimes you just get me.
Happy birthday again and mayyou we have 30 more years healthy, happy & strong.
I love this man more and more everyday.
We met when I was 23 and he was 25. I remember when we me we couldn't stop staring in each others eyes. It was like we manifested each other to one another. There was an attraction that we both shared and it was crazy. I remember when we talked on the phone all night till' morning. We instantly knew that we were meant for each other. At the time we both were reaching out for something we just didn't know exactly what it was. Now years have passed, and I am now a believer, in the power of attraction.
I feel like I was drawn to him like a magnet, I was the moth and he was the flame. He was something I never imagined, or did I and just didn't put it together until now. He is my soul mate, I am so happy he chose me and I him. I couldn't ask for a better person in my life. He is an awesome father, Great husband, even though hes socially awkward and hates flashy paparazzi scenes, and being seen, I love my sexy man anyway.
Happy birthday again and may
Glowing tub for toddlers.
Its bath time again and tonight we had a blast!
If your toddler is like my little water baby, you should try this.
If your handy all you'll need is PVC piping, funnels, and good suction cups. My husband drilled holes into the Pipes to hold the suction cups to the wall.
My goal was to find something that would stop daddy and myself from yelling at our toddler for his messy bath time fun, and I found it!
Daddy made a water wall maze for our son out of pipes and funnels.
We also added glowsticks for added excitement.
He had a ball all night! And so did we. My husband found new ways to make the water pour and Steve tried too!We put glow sticks in the pipes too. He even made the pipe a straw and blew bubbles in the water.
After his bath we made shapes with the glow sticks in his room under the stars.
Steven has a glowing sea of stars on his celling, he absolutely loves.
Science time for toddlers
My husbands buddy has two girls ages 6 and 4. While Steven and I were coloring the girls were playing and one says something about a mom, i'm not really sure what they were playing but I did hear mommy, they could of just pretending princess', but Steven said to them mommy? " I Wove my mommy" Then he turns to me hugs and kisses me and looks to the girls like I have the best mommy...then he continues to color.
Anywho, since i've become a pintrest addict i'm sort of into these science experiments with Steve. Today we put food coloring and vinger together and dropped it over baking soda and watched it fizz. How cool it was watching him enjoy. Then he smushed it together and it was dough. Daddy came home and brought home the corn starch and more baking soda to try to make play dough. Pictures of this will be posted tomorrow.
Anywho, since i've become a pintrest addict i'm sort of into these science experiments with Steve. Today we put food coloring and vinger together and dropped it over baking soda and watched it fizz. How cool it was watching him enjoy. Then he smushed it together and it was dough. Daddy came home and brought home the corn starch and more baking soda to try to make play dough. Pictures of this will be posted tomorrow.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Why can i not upload pix from my computer anymore??
I am having such a hard time figuring out how to upload pix again. I've cleared all my cookies and I've opened the blocker but nothing seems to change. Is there something i'm mising? When I click add pic it comes up but the bar never drops so i can pull from my computer.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
A year late birthing story
I know I've been such a bum lately,
many of my blog post are still in draft and i just haven't felt like sharing.
I'm in such a rut, i'm happy and all but something is missing.
I cant seem to get on track.
My sleeping habits are all off and so are Stevens.
The baby wants to feed all night so i'm an open buffet from 12 am to well lets just say i can't keep up.
My husband is running off EMPTY and with him working these crazy hours he works were just so frustrated/stressed its crazy.
many of my blog post are still in draft and i just haven't felt like sharing.
I'm in such a rut, i'm happy and all but something is missing.
I cant seem to get on track.
My sleeping habits are all off and so are Stevens.
The baby wants to feed all night so i'm an open buffet from 12 am to well lets just say i can't keep up.
My husband is running off EMPTY and with him working these crazy hours he works were just so frustrated/stressed its crazy.
The night of November 26
I spent the day cleaning and nesting getting ready for princess to arrive.
I held her in for two weeks, due to I was already dilated 2 cm., by early November.
I wanted to keep her in so we would share the same zodiac sign.
I'm so glad she waited to be a Sagittarius like my stepdaughter and myself.
I made sure she wasn't a Scorpio (no offence)
I made bets she was going to come the 23rd or the 27th,
hoping it was after my Deepak Chorpa lecture at 7 pm the day she was born.
After doing a few laundry loads up and down the basement stairs
After doing a few laundry loads up and down the basement stairs
folding clothes while sitting on my yoga ball & watching TV.
I devour two nice size brownies and drink a tall glass of cow's milk(I am lactose).
My water breaks, Its almost 3 am.
I wake up hubby and actually while he frantically gets dressed & try to make phone calls I'm calm and in no pain. I change clothes, glad I took a hot bath a hour before. We make it to the hospital about 3:30 i'm contracting every 15 min I would say but they still weren't heavy. I already planned on having a natural birth with no drugs, And i'm glad to say I did just that! My contractions didn't get to heavy until when I was ready to push. She arrived at 9:02am {Hypno-birthing works}
In the hospital room,
I was able to sit on a yoga ball while waiting for baby.
I was able to sit on a yoga ball while waiting for baby.
Steven was picked up by my Aunt and in no pain yet.
The cow is working its way through my body,
luckily I was still only at about 3cm when this came on.
All I remember is the nurse saying, "please try not to have the baby in the toilet.
I assured her no baby was coming right now, no way I was pooing on my princess.
Anyway, as my doctor began to get annoyed that I kept taking off the heart monitor
he then wanted to insert a different one, WTH?
Then how do you think i'd sit on this ball?
I refused all of their "easy work" BS.
I knew I should of went with a midwife.
I knew I should of went with a midwife.
As my contractions grew closer and closer I was almost naked,
I didn't want anything to touch my skin.
My husband couldn't even touch me,
my rings were off and at this point I was only in a bra.
As I try to take myself to a different pain free place.
I kept thinking how I couldn't wait until this was over and we were at home with her.
The male nurse checked me one last time as I took off my shirt,
I yelled to the lady nurse time for drugs.
Then he said okay your a 10 time to push.
I didn't want anything to touch my skin.
My husband couldn't even touch me,
my rings were off and at this point I was only in a bra.
As I try to take myself to a different pain free place.
I kept thinking how I couldn't wait until this was over and we were at home with her.
The male nurse checked me one last time as I took off my shirt,
I yelled to the lady nurse time for drugs.
Then he said okay your a 10 time to push.
It seemed like not even five minutes later, I was holding her in my arms.
On November 27, 2012
On November 27, 2012

She is absolutely perfect!
I couldn't be happier.
Sky is what we call her
I couldn't be happier.
Sky is what we call her
She was 6 lbs and 14 oz. 20.5" long.
Now she's a whopping 9 lbs, my baby's getting big!
Yay for mommy's milk, it's the best!
Princess has only had mommies milk, and i plan to keep it that way.
My belly is back already, how awesome is that?
Now only if I can manage what I eat.
I was so nervous how he would act and treat her
since he has been my pampered spoiled King.
But since the day he laid eyes on her
he has been the Best little/BIG brother a girl could ask for.
he has been the Best little/BIG brother a girl could ask for.
When she cries he is right there trying to soothe her tears,
with his "hush hush" "shh shh" "baby no crying", he says. I love it!
with his "hush hush" "shh shh" "baby no crying", he says. I love it!
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Big brother and baby sister |
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