Ever since I was 16 Uncle Steve came to visit me, I was having the hardest time dealing with death/loss.
His form was small, and not a figure of a person at all, just a tiny glowing light with fluttering wings.
When he came to visit he was on my mind, I was emotional about how I never said goodbye.
I didn't see his face but I knew it was him. He came and wiped my tears away.
I've had many experiences over the years, resulting of the many lives lost
They had a special place in my heart.
They never scared me only made questions arise, why visit me? What is the message your sending to me? Am I suppose to be some sort clairvoyant? Talking to the dead?
The thought frightens me.
I remember when i was younger watching Sylvia Brown,
her connections were very interesting to me.
Never would I imagine that I was being prepared for what my future holds.
This is not me!
I don't like scary things. But pure and happy enegries protects me.
I have to be older and alot wiser to accept the things I hear, feel, and now certainly see.
Eventhough I feel as if the people that visit me are people I know,
I'm not ready to let the ones enter whom I have no connection with.
I can't stop staring at this picture.
it is like i'm looking at something not real.
I can't explain it, its too sureal for me to even understand.
All I know is everything happens for a reason.
I'm just trying to figure out how it relates to me.
I know my personal views and beliefs on the situation but not the technichal
aspects on the spiritual beings presence.
What is the meaning when Angels come to visit?
This has my mind so boggled its crazy!
As I stare at this picture more and more I'm seeing what my sister and aunt sees,
They see nonnie, my great grand mother whom was french and indian, she lived to be 102.
I didn't see her at first because I was too young to really remember her face,
my fondest memory of her was that her favorite color was green, because it was the color of money.
I remember she used to sit on her hair, a long braid down her back.
Many things still concerns me.
What made me swith from taking color pictures to using the B&W effect?
Im looking at the pictures of the entire day with the boys,
I begin to see orbs in the pictures w/ the boys, Jeremiah (who shares Auntie Val's face)
didn't smile in any of the pictures and its like he knew they were there and they frightened him.
In one pic Steven has his arm around Jeremiah and it looks like he's telling him don't be scared they won't hurt you.
After he left is when I continued to take pictures of just Steven and his guitar.
I'm studying the pictures and I think he knew they were there.
After they left he stopped playing with the guitar. SMH.
I'm not telling you to believe what I believe or see what I see. You can't see my Angeles if they don't want you to see them. There here for me.
i just called Mike, a man i met last week w/ dad. His store is "The Akashic Corner" on Gratiot.
i had a few questions and I knew he would be able to answer a few of them. I really didn't go into detail about the photo, I just asked about the symbol of spirits he left on the back of his business card.
One symbol is in the photo he drew two one the card.
This also strike me like WHOA!
I asked what does one symbol mean?
it means that this person was on God's left hand side
he was murdered or committed murder
he basically told me that this person has many lessons to learn to gain the second symbol
but he has his chance because the person that killed him is about to die or face judgement day in
where he will get his justice
He also told me that when spirits come there will be a glowing light on the right side and thoes are the murdered souls who want justice.
He then tells me to get a book and call him when i do. At first I was all for reading this book to gain more knowlegde on the spirit world, then I spoke w/ my father in-iaw and he shined the light on not reading
something that will bring more spirits to you that you dont want.
I keep bringing them to me, I call them.
if we're all Enegries don't you think they would feel my enegry drawing them to me?
Damn! this is deep. i need some time to think....
I put down all technology for the next day
I had to meditate hard and clear my mind. Though the enegries weren't negative the thought of thinking they were here
began to frighten me. I didn't want to be left alone.
I know being 27 and I'm scard of a damn ghost, but who wouldn't? When the proof is in the pic. I have always felt the enegries over the years but never have I been
so frightened I couldn't sleep. I mean, I didnt want to be left alone. If I dosed off I would wake up and find my husband, I laugh about it now, but I was really freaked.
Thinking about spirits that I know is one thing, I know the ones that love me would never try to hurt me, but the thought of
letting ones in that do began to get to me.
I dont want to open the door and not beable to close it.
As I try to recap the day by looking at the 30 pictures I took that day of steven and Jeremiah
Im trying to remember what wwe did
and how I was feeling, the things that went on and emotions that day.
I begin to remember, looking at what pictures I took of the boys in every picture Jeremiah's face is the same.
His expression show fear and I start to remember he was rather fussy that day w/ me, not really crying but wanting to be held and not left alone.
I didnt catch it then, but as I recap that day its clear to me now. They were here.
When I get to the pictures of steven after Jeremish left is when I am remembering the last photo when he is done with the guitar and is crawling to me.
I felt the enegries then, and so did steven, I'm remembering holding him as they flew by. I remember when the came to visit, I called on them that day.
When mommy and tony came to pick up Jeremiah, he was so ready to go, he put his own coat on. He wanted to leave there so fast, at the time I wondered why?
Now I know,
So, in conclusion to my spritual experience. I now feel like my questions are answered.
I did put it out in the universe that I was forgetting the ones I love
but they reminded me that they are here when I need them.
Our Enegries are so strong, my question was answered before I even saw it or rember it .
It was here all the time, I miss them more around the holiday's
and thats when I put my enegry in the Universe to recieve my need
to feel them so they are sent to me to
remind me they are still around.
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"Keep in mind that i'm an Artist, and i'm sensitive about my Sh*t".
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