Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Two years already?

Today April 5, 2012 marks year two my husband and I said our vows to one another./ Two years later we have a beautiful healthy baby boy and who would of thought that year two would mark the year where we continue to grow our family. You heard it we found out that baby #2 is on the way. Won't know the specifics until tomorrow but were hoping for a girl. This time around I have been so nausea's and experience morning sickness lie ever before. With Steven I had no morning sickness or really a pregnant sense, Not even really craves. This baby has made my 7th sense alive, smells a mile away turn my stomach. I'm only about a month along since I only missed March's period. I'm not sure if I'm happy or not yet. I keep forgetting that I'm pregnant. I don't think I'll really believe it until we get the ultrasound tomorrow. My daily exercises yoga and Pilate's don't bother me yet. My diet has not really increased. Just decreased in the poultry and increased in carbs (blueberry pancakes). 

In the beginning my husband and I weren't going to have more children, Then we came to the agreement that we make beautiful children why not when Steven is older. I embraced the next pregnancy instead of my normal pushing it away. "No kids" was my motto for so long. I wanted to be a wife not just a baby momma.
Then the light bulb came on, You are a Wife and a Mother, why not create another, sister or brother. A healthy strong child is all we ask.

As we enter year two of our marriage we also embrace our second blessing. Weather it be a girl or boy we'll still love him or her with joy. I just don't want to lose who I have come to be having another baby. I'm just now getting back to understanding "ME"!
Do I have to stop the progress I've made and go back to the mommy label? Then convert back to me once the baby is older? Or can I continue to grow and mature into the woman I will become.
Since i've already gone through one pregnancy I know what to expect so I think it will be a breeze, Until I can no longer do my Yoga & Pilate's.