Monday, February 18, 2013

A bigger bed....

Why is it that we allow our two year old son control how we sleep in our bed?
Since my belly and my blatter at the present time keeping me up between the kitchen and bathroom
All hours of the night resulting in me climbing over Mr. Little dozens of times through the night.
I remember when it was perfect he actually slept in his own bed. Now he's like a converted baby at bed time wanting to be cuddled all the time. Don't get me wrong I may of been some of the problem, but as I tell hubby, look at what he's accomplished. He is practally potty trained, he is off the binky, finally! And the word bottle has not crossed his lips. He still needs to work on not getting his way and sharing, but what two year old is perfect? His vocabulary has picked up and so has his signs. He's more into books than movies but he does love the occasional curious George, and Elmo.
Well, I guess i wouldn't have it anyother way. In a minute the baby will be here and I'm not quite sure how thats going to work.

Until then i'll just continue to love his baby feet.

Today makes us thirty nine weeks. I cant wait for your arrival as much as I want to meet you, I take this time to reflect on how I've loved carring you these past few months. Though it was rather hard at times, we both came through it with stars. I loved you before you even rented my womb. Now that it is almost eviction time I'm going to miss our talks and walks and your big brother kissing you and playing with you little kicks.


Happy 30th babe

Hats off you you tonight,

I love this man more and more everyday.

We met when I was 23 and he was 25. I remember when we me we couldn't stop staring in each others eyes. It was like we manifested each other to one another. There was an attraction that we both shared and it was crazy. I remember when we talked on the phone all night till' morning. We instantly knew that we were meant for each other.  At the time we both were reaching out for something we just didn't know exactly what it was. Now years have passed, and I am now a believer, in the power of attraction.

I feel like I was drawn to him like a magnet, I was the moth and he was the flame. He was something I never imagined, or did I and just didn't put it together until now. He is my soul mate, I am so happy he chose me and I him. I couldn't ask for a better person in my life. He is an awesome father, Great husband, even though hes socially awkward and hates flashy paparazzi scenes, and being seen, I love my sexy man anyway.

I love you baby, I know these 9 long gruesome months have been hard on us both but we got through it happy and together, I know those pregnancy pains that you experienced are because you love me. I love you even more because its like sometimes you just get me.

Happy birthday again and may you we have 30 more years healthy, happy & strong.

Glowing tub for toddlers.

Its bath time again and tonight we had a blast!
If your toddler is like my little water baby,  you should try this.

  If your handy all you'll need is PVC piping, funnels, and good suction cups. My husband drilled holes into the Pipes to hold the suction cups to the wall.
My goal was to find something that would stop daddy and myself from yelling at our toddler for his messy bath time fun, and I found it!
Daddy made a water wall maze for our son out of pipes and funnels.
We also added glowsticks for added excitement.

 He had a ball all night! And so did we. My husband found new ways to make the water pour and Steve tried too!We put glow sticks in the pipes too.  He even made the pipe a straw and blew bubbles in the water.
After his bath we made shapes with the glow sticks in his room under the stars.
Steven has a glowing sea of stars on his celling, he absolutely loves.

Science time for toddlers

Today, my little love had playmates over.
My husbands buddy has two girls ages 6 and 4. While Steven and I were coloring the girls were playing and one says something about a mom, i'm not really sure what they were playing but I did hear mommy, they could of just pretending princess', but Steven said to them mommy? " I Wove my mommy" Then he turns to me hugs and kisses me and looks to the girls like I have the best mommy...then he continues to color.

Anywho, since i've become a pintrest addict i'm sort of into these science experiments with Steve. Today we put food coloring and vinger together and dropped it over baking soda and watched it fizz. How cool it was watching him enjoy. Then he smushed it together and it was dough. Daddy came home and brought home the corn starch and more baking soda to try to make play dough. Pictures of this will be posted tomorrow.