Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy 2012...

Its a new year and a new begining....
This year I want to be less mean, less demanding, and more prosperous than the last one.
This morning, I guess, I was too demanding when I asked my husband when he was going to take the garbage out. There are two bags in the back yard along w/ in the basement. Garbage day is this Today and I wanted it to be out before they came back around to the other side of the street since they already picked up our side. I guess im a nagging b**ch too early for him, i just wanted it to be done. I cleaned the house like I was Cinderella, cleaned our room and the kids, all im asking is for the garbage be taken out and when? Is that so bad?

Happy wife happy life, Right?
Or am I just not suppose to say anything? because it seems like everything i say turns into an argument. Or nag...WHATEVER!!! DEAL WITH IT. YOU MARRIED ME AND YOU KNEW THIS THEN. The only task I ask...the only task of the house that should be done by the man, women do what they do and men take out the trash and bring home the bread. Your lucky you got the best of both worlds, You have a good GREAT women by your side, the mother of your son. Everythng you could ask for in a wife, I exceed boundries. Take are of home and still bring in bacon.

So here's to a new year drama free living my life as its suppose to be. Happy, brillant, blissful, moving forward to a even better future. I love my life as mommy and wife, I wouldnt have it anyother way with anyone elese. Trust me I believe I married my soulmate, my other half, none of this would be possible if it weren't for you. I love you with my all, and as we grow together, learn together, get wiser and smarter together, I know we'll make it through the rough times.

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"Keep in mind that i'm an Artist, and i'm sensitive about my Sh*t".

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